Returns the error generated by the last intrepidcs API call
Returns the intrepidcs API error message queue
Returns a text description of an intrepidcs API error
This method returns a text description of an neoVI API error number.
lErrorNumber [in] This is the number of the error message returned from GetErrorMessages. A separate topic describes the possible values for error messages.
sErrorDescriptionShort [out] This is short description of the error. This parameter should be sized to include up to 255 characters including the NULL terminator.
sErrorDescriptionLong [out] This is longer more detailed description of the error. This parameter should be sized to include up to 255 characters including the NULL terminator. lMaxLengthShort [in] This is the size in characters of the sErrorDescriptionShort array that is being passed in. This value must be 255 or less. lMaxLengthLong [in] This is the size in characters of the sErrorDescriptionLong array that is being passed in. This value must be 255 or less.
lErrorSeverity [out] This indicates the error severity. This is estimated severity for the application and doesn't have significant meaning. See Table 1 below for more information.
lRestartNeeded [out] If 1 it is recommend that the application close communications with the DLL and reopen it.
Return Values
If the error number was found successfully the return value will be non-zero.
Table 1 - Descriptions of Error Severity
const unsigned long icsspyErrCritical=0x10;
A critical error which affects operation or accuracy
const unsigned long icsspyErrExclamation=0x30;
An important error which may be critical depending on the application.
const unsigned long icsspyErrInformation=0x40;
An error which probably does not need attention.
const unsigned long icsspyErrQuestion=0x20;
An error which is not understood.
This method reads the neoVI DLL error message queue.
[in] Specifies the driver object created with OpenNeoDevice.
[out] This is the address of the first element of an array of long variables of at least 600 elements. This array will be loaded with the current error queue. The error queue will contain errors generated by all threads, not just the current thread. A separate topic describes the possible values for error messages. You can get a text description of this error using GetErrorInfo.
[out] Specifies the number of errors copied into the pErrorMsgs buffer. The maximum value will be 600.
Return Values
Returns 1 if successful, 0 on failure.
The error queue will be reset after this method is called.
This method returns the error generated by the last API call.
[in] Specifies the driver object created by .
[out] The value of the error generated by the previous API call will be returned. The text description of the error can then be obtained by calling .
Return Values
If an error was generated and stored during the last API call then 1 will be returned. 0 will be returned if no error was generated since the port was opened or the last time that was called. The stored error will be cleared after this call. API errors are generated and stored on a ‘per-thread’ basis. The calling thread will only receive errors generated within it’s own context. If a new API error is generated before the previous error has been retrieved, the previous error will be lost. All errors generated can still be retrieved using . However, will return errors generated in all threads, not just the current thread.