If a GMLAN ECU is selected on the ECUs view then the tabs after the ECU Basics tab will look like those along the top of Figure 1. These other tabs let you create and change diagnostic items like DIDs, DPIDs, PIDs, CPIDs, Memory Data, and Standard DIDs. Just click on a tab to see all items of that type in the ECU. A shared interface is used to enter data for the different types of items. Once you learn one, you have learned them all! The DIDs tab in Figure 1 is an example of this interface.

Figure 1: The setup tabs for GMLAN diagnostic data items share a 3 part interface.

Diagnostic Services Tab (Figure 2)

The Diagnostic Services tab contains other information about the GMLAN ECU. This information is used when requesting PID and Memory information in the VehicleScape DAQ view.

Figure 2: The Diagnostic Services tab for GMLAN ECUs.

Saving Changes

At the top of the ECUs view, above the tabs, there are 2 buttons for saving changes. If changes are made on the Standard DIDs tab then click the Save Standard DIDs button to save the changes in the GMLAN Standard DIDs.xml file. These changes will affect all GMLAN ECUs! When finished making changes on the other tabs don't forget to click the Save Database Changes button. This will store the data into the diagnostics database file (*.gmd).

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