Messages View Data Byte Format

Six format buttons are located in the bottom toolbar of Messages view (Figure 1).These buttons allow for quick, one-click formatting of the DataBytes, Arb ID/Header, and J1939 PGN columns. The six buttons pictured below (from left to right) are: Hexadecimal, Decimal, ASCII, Binary, Unicode Big Endian, and Unicode Little Endian.

Figure 1: Change the data byte format with a single click!

The DataBytes column supports all six formats, but other columns have special cases as follows:

  • Arb ID/Header - will use the hex format if ASCII or either unicode format is selected.

  • J1939 PGN - remains decimal even if hex format is selected.

  • J1939 PGN (Hex) - displays hex OR decimal depending upon the format selection.

This format selection does NOT affect the contents of saved buffers. Saved buffers always use the hexadecimal format.

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