Script Type Function Block Command: CoreMini Action

Command Description

This command allows various actions to be taken with CoreMini scripts that are compiled and run on Intrepid hardware independently of the PC and Vehicle Spy.

Value Field Parameters

Double-clicking in the Value field brings up a special dialog box where parameters for this command can be selected. The initial appearance of this dialog box is shown in Figure 1.

CoreMini Action

This is the primary parameter for the command, specifying what action the command should take:

  • Stop: Stops the CoreMini if it is currently running.

  • Start: Starts the CoreMini if it is not running. Selecting this option enables the Medium parameter, described below.

  • Download (USB): Downloads the specified CoreMini (.vs3cmb) file over USB to the ICS hardware. This option enables the Medium and CM File parameters.


Selects the storage medium for the Start and Download (USB) actions:

  • EEPROM: Internal flash memory.

  • SD Card: An SD card inserted into the device.

CM File

This option is enabled for the Download (USB) action. Press the button to bring up a Windows file selection dialog box. Navigate to the desired CoreMini (.vs3cmb) file and select it; the name will be shown in the adjacent text box.

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