Part 6 - An Introduction to Signal Plot Features

Signal Plot is a very powerful tool. Below is a brief look at some of its capabilities.

1. Select Signal Group to View:

Signal Plot and Signal List can show two different Signal Groups simultaneously. Make these selections using the dropdowns found at the top of each view (Figure 1: & ). With the Tutorial 3 Signal Group selected, two Y-axis should be seen, each a different color and corresponding to a signal or message in the group. The X-axis represents time.

Figure 1: The Signal Plot is jam packed with features.

2. Try Tools from Toolbar:

Along the top of the Signal Plot graph, there is a toolbar. This contains all the tools needed to manipulate this view including: Play, Pause, Mousewheel Axis Control, Zoom (Figure 1:), Cursors (Figure 1:), Setup, Save, and Print.

3. Cursors and Cursor Control:

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