Message Signals

Vehicle network messages contain raw data with signal information. Vehicle Spy allows decoding of this signal information from received messages and encodes this information into transmit messages. Signal definitions must always be associated with a message.

Every signal in the message has a row showing its Description and Type. To edit the signal name, double click on it and type a new one. To change the signal type, click its Type cell and use the pulldown list.

As signals are moved around and change their lengths the colors will change near the top where the bit numbers are shown (Figure 2). The colors can quickly help show conflicts that may require further attention.

Refer to Table 1 to see what each color indicates.

Table 1: Signal Editor Color Coding



Unused bit.

Bits are undefined.


No conflicts.

Bits defined by 1 signal equation.


Possible conflict.

Bits defined by 2 or more signal equations.


Defined in table.

Bits defined by Message Data Bytes.



Bits defined by equation and Message Data Bytes.

Some signal types have unique characteristics that become clear while using the signal editor grid. Digital signals are 1 bit long. Text signals are a multiple of 8 bits long and byte aligned. DTC signals are 16 bits long and byte aligned.

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