Create/Edit Axis Pts
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Axis Pts define axes that are shared across multiple Characteristic curves or maps. These axes have a Characteristic Axis Type = COM_AXIS. To create or edit Axis Pts in an A2L file use the Create or Edit tools in the main toolbar or the right click menu while the Axis Pts tab is active in the A2L file area. A tabbed dialog will open similar to that shown in Figure 1.
The General tab defines most of the Axis Pts properties and these are described in Table 1 below. The Address tab defines memory addressing for the Axis Pts. The Interface Data tab supports unique data that a tool may need to run properly. Use the OK button to close the dialog and save any changes. Use the Cancel button to close the dialog without saving any changes.
Unique identifier of the Axis Pts. Here are the main requirements for this field:
Max overall length = 1024 characters.
Max partial string length = 128 characters.
Allowed characters: A - Z, a - z, 0 - 9, underscores, periods, and brackets [ ].
Must NOT contain spaces.
First character must be a letter or an underscore.
Any brackets must occur in pairs at the end of a partial string.
Any bracket pairs must surround a number or string.
Name is case sensitive. (i.e. "b" and "B" are considered unique)
If in doubt about valid names, please refer to the ASAM specifications.
Display Identifier
An alternative display name that is usually much shorter than the Name property. Can be useful for devices with small display areas.
Long Identifier
Comment or description.
Input Quantity
Record Layout
Conversion Method
Display formatting applied to numerical values. If specified, this Format property overrides any formatting in the Conversion Method property. The syntax for this field is: %Length.Layout
Length = overall length
Layout = number of decimal places
Data Type
Determines the number of bytes dedicated to the value and how those bytes are interpreted. This property should be chosen early because it applies defaults to the Lower/Upper Limit and Extended Lower/Upper Limit properties.
UBYTE - 1 byte unsigned integer
SBYTE - 1 byte signed integer
UWORD - 2 byte unsigned integer
SWORD - 2 byte signed integer
ULONG - 4 byte unsigned integer
SLONG - 4 byte signed integer
FLOAT32_IEEE - 4 byte (32 bit) floating point IEEE format
FLOAT64_IEEE - 8 byte (64 bit) floating point IEEE format
FLOAT32_TASKING - 4 byte (32 bit) floating point tasking format
Calibration Access
There are 4 types of access for MCD systems or test tools:
CALIBRATION - read and write allowed.
NO_CALIBRATION - read only.
NOT_IN_MCD_SYSTEM - read and write not allowed, for internal ECU use only.
OFFLINE_CALIBRATION - read allowed, write only allowed offline.
Lower Limit
Lower limit of plausible range of values. A default limit is determined mathematically by the Data Type selection. Note: The default limit is reapplied each time the Data Type is changed.
Upper Limit
Upper limit of plausible range of values. A default limit is determined mathematically by the Data Type selection. Note: The default limit is reapplied each time the Data Type is changed.
Extended Lower Limit
Extends the lower limit of plausible values. Can be useful for generating warnings when the Lower Limit is exceeded. A default limit is determined mathematically by the Data Type selection. Note: The default limit is reapplied each time the Data Type is changed.
Extended Upper Limit
Extends the upper limit of plausible values. Can be useful for generating warnings when the Upper Limit is exceeded. A default limit is determined mathematically by the Data Type selection. Note: The default limit is reapplied each time the Data Type is changed.
Max Diff
Maximum adjustment allowed to an axis point. Entered as an absolute value, not as a percentage.
Max Axis Points
Maximum number of axis points.
References a Measurement to be used as a working point on the axis to track along the curve or map. The dropdown selections come from the .
Specifies the data structure. The default layout will update depending upon the Data Type field. The dropdown selections come from the . The Data Type over on the Record Layout tab must match the Data Type field on this dialog.
Applies the selected Conversion Method to the value. The dropdown selections come from the .