10BaseT1s Connections

How to connect to a T1s network

The RAD-Meteor has a removable screw terminal block for connection to a 10BaseT1s Ethernet network (Figure 1). Also there are two jumpers to enable network termination.

TIP : A 10BaseT1s network requires termination on the two end nodes of a network. Other nodes should have termination jumpers removed.

To help connecting wires, the end panel silkscreen had the the text "P" to indicate bus positive and "N" for bus negative.

The schematic for the analog front end termination is shown in figure 2. This is the schematic as designed by the LAN867x PHY manufacturer (Microchip LAN86xx Bus Interface Network (BIN)).

Figure 1 - 10BaseT1s connector with Termination Jumpers
Figure 2 - 10BaseT1s termination network in RAD-Meteor.

The mating terminal block part number is TBP02P1-381-02BE and can be purchased through distributors such as Digi-Key (TBP02P1-381-02BE).

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