Messages View Bottom Toolbar

The toolbar located along the bottom of Messages view is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The toolbar along the bottom of Messages view has numerous features.

Refer to Table 1 for details on the various toolbar selections.

Table 1: Messages View Bottom Toolbar Selections

Toolbar SelectionDescription

These two buttons on the left toggle between Message and Network color modes.

These six buttons in the middle apply a format like hexadecimal or decimal to the DataBytes and Arb ID/Header columns.

Statistics button

When enabled, the following statistics are shown along a row below each message:

  • Min - minimum relative time between messages.

  • Max - maximum relative time between messages.

  • Mean - mean relative time between messages.

  • StdDev - standard deviation of the relative time between messages.

  • Start - absolute time the first message was received.

  • Change Count - number of times the data bytes changed in that message.

Columns dropdown list

Selects a set of column headers.

Setup button

Opens a dialog to let you create new column sets. You can also adjust the message buffer size and message Recent Time.

Review Buffer button

Click the folder button to select a buffer file to review. This is exactly the same as the File> **** Review Buffer feature.

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