Part 5 - Filtering Messages

A complete message specification is the basic building block of a custom filter. In this part of Tutorial 1, you will create your own custom filter.

1. Open theMessages View:

Select the Messages tab. When the panel opens, notice the Filter Bar that appears automatically on the left side. This is a convenient way to turn on and off all sorts of filters you may use in your applications. Notice the "Custom 1" heading in the list and select the small blank box to the right of the heading (Figure 1:). This opens up the Setup Filter dialog where filters are defined.

2. Create Custom Filter:

3. Name Filter:

4. Activate Filter:

Now take a close look at the filter bar. The Custom 1 heading has been replaced by First Filter. Make sure that Vehicle Spy is started and then click inside the first column to the right of the filter name (Figure 2:). A green check mark appears in the column, the First Filter text turns green, and message traffic changes dramatically. Instead of seeing all messages on the bus, only Module Message is seen.

5. Adding Extra Custom Filters:

If extra custom filters are needed, the Add button above the filter bar (Figure 2:) can be clicked to create extra custom filters. Extra custom filters can be removed by right clicking on the filter and selecting Remove Message Filter.

6. Exclusion Filtering:

Experiment with the Filter panel for a little while. Try including all network traffic and then excluding all HS CAN messages. Try to include all HS CAN messages and exclude Module Message. The Filter panel provides endless ways to customize the view of the data.