Messages View Custom Filters


Custom filters are filters than can include user defined groups of Messages, ECUs, and Networks. This group can then be included or excluded in the Filter Bar. Messages view supports up to 99 custom filters.


Custom filters are located under the Messages category in the Filter Bar. By default, they are named Custom 1, Custom 2, and so on. Additional custom filters added by clicking the Add button at the top of the Filter Bar. To delete a custom filter, right click on it and select Remove Message Filter.

As with the other standard filters, clicking in the first column to the right of the filter name activates the filter (). Clicking in the second column to the right reverses the filter ().

Edit the filter by clicking the small gray box in the third column to the right of the custom filter title (Figure 1:). Clicking the box opens the Setup Filter dialog shown in Figure 1.

When the filter is finished, press the OK button to automatically return to the Messages view. All that is left is to click in the green checkmark column and activate the filter!

Table 1: Custom Filter Data Sources

Data SourceDescription

Rx Messages, Database, Tx Messages

A list of all messages and signals defined for each network in the Messages Editor or Database.


A list of Networks.


A list of ECUs in each network.


List of Message properties includes:



Any network message.


Any message that has an error.


Any transmit Message.

Any Change

Any message with data that has changed.

Length Mismatch

Any message with length mismatch.

No Change

Any message with data that has not changed.

No Match

Any message which wasn't identified.