Tutorial: Database Setup


As seen in the previous tutorials, Vehicle Spy 3 can bring in raw message data. Using the Receive table of the Messages Editor, message decoding tables can be created. If a database is available, this information can be imported saving time by not requiring this information typed in by a user. In this tutorial, platform creation and database loading will be covered.

Parts of Vehicle Spy used

Network Database View ECU Diagnostic Database View

Hardware needed

neoVI FIRE 2, ValueCAN 4 family, RAD-Gigastar, RAD-Mars etc. Please note that this feature is currently not supported on neoVI FIRE 3 and neoVI RED2; however, a future update will include support for these devices.

Files for this example

MadeUpDatabase.dbc - Made up database file for use with "All Bus Traffic.csv" replay file that can be used with this tutorial. MadeUpDiagnosticFile.odx - Made up diagnostic database that can be used with this tutorial.