neoECU Sleep Mode

neoECU devices also have a sleep mode. Sleep mode can be enabled in Function Block scripts using the Sleep step command. Table 1 gives an example Function Block script to enable sleep mode. This script works by checking the present status of a message. If the message is not received when it is expected, the device will go to sleep. When normal traffic is received again, the neoECU will wakeup again.

Table 1: Example Function Block for enabling sleep mode



Set Value

Message Present = 0

Clear the Present flag of a Periodic message normally on the bus


Wait for

2 Second

Wait twice as long as normal periodic duration of the message


Jump If

Message Present To Step 1

Jump to Step 1 if the message is present



If not present, go into sleep mode


Jump to

Step 1

When device wakes up, go to step 1

For more information on Function Block scripts see Vehicle Spy 3's help documentation. Sleep mode examples are included in the examples section for each neoECU device.

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