
Logging allows signal data to be saved without message data bytes and IDs. The Logging screen (Figure 1) is accessed from the Measurement menu.

Figure 1: The Logging screen.

Selecting a Signal Group

Enabling Logging

Logging Status and Data

Logging Setup

  • Log at Constant Rate / Log All Updates: Determines whether all data is logged or it is instead time-sampled. Choosing Log All Updates will disable the Log Rate options below.

  • Log Rate (sec/sample): The frequency at which data is sampled and logged.

  • Save when data changes only: When enabled, new entries are created only when data changes; this can help reduce storage requirements.

  • Log File: The name of the file where data is to be stored.

  • Log File Creation Options: Specifies when to reuse existing log files or start new ones, and under what circumstances.

  • Ignore formatting on signals and save as analog values: When checked, analog values are saved without the specified formatting setup for the signal.

  • Write CSV File / Write MDF File: The file format for saving data; at least one must be checked.

Start Logging

  • Start Automatically: Logging begins immediately when Vehicle Spy starts.

The Enable Pre Start Collection option allows the capture of a number of seconds of data immediately preceding the start trigger.

Stop Logging

  • Stop Automatically: Logging stops when Vehicle Spy does.

  • Stop After a specific amount of time: Logging stops after a specified number of seconds.

The Zip file when stopped option tells VSpy to compress the logged data in a zip file to save space.

Invalid Signal Handling

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