neoECU 20: IO Map
neoECU 20 does not have a pin map. neoECU 20 is configured using neoVI 3G Explorer, in the same way as a neoVI FIRE or neoVI Red would be used. Scripts are loaded into the device over USB just like a neoVI device. Table 1 lists the Pin connections for the device. You should also find this on the back of the neoECU20. The networks setup and functions of the neoECU 20 match a neoVI FIRE and standalone scripts are compatible between the two devices.
Table 2 - neoVI ECU 20 Connector Pin Descriptions
Pin | Name | Description |
1 | SW CAN | Single Wire CAN |
2 | J1850 VPW | J1850 VPW (Class 2) |
3 | LSFT CAN H | Low Speed Fault Tolerant CAN High |
4 | LSFT CAN L | Low Speed Fault Tolerant CAN Low |
5 | MS CAN H | Medium Speed CAN High |
6 | MS CAN L | Medium Speed CAN Low |
7 | ISO L | UART/ISO9141/Keyword Line "L" |
8 | ISO K/LIN 1 | UART/ISO9141/Keyword Bi-directional Line "K" |
9 | DBG CLK | Not Used |
10 | MISC 1 | Miscellaneous Signal 1 |
11 | MISC 2 | Miscellaneous Signal 2 |
12 | DBG Data | Not Used |
13 | PWR GND | Electrical Ground |
14 | HS CAN H | High Speed CAN High |
15 | HS CAN L | High Speed CAN Low |
16 | HS CAN 2 H | High Speed CAN 2 High |
17 | HS CAN 2 L | High Speed CAN 2 Low |
18 | MISC 4 | Miscellaneous Signal 4 |
19 | HS CAN 3 H | High Speed CAN 3 High |
20 | HS CAN 3 L | High Speed CAN 3 Low |
21 | TSYNC CLK H / CGI H | CGI High |
22 | TSYNC CLK L / CGI L | CGI Low |
23 | MISC 3 | Miscellaneous Signal 3 |
24 | DBG RESET | Not Used |
25 | VBATT | Electrical Positive Supply 6-27 VDC |