Comments are used to describe the behavior of other commands or portions of a function block script. They are useful for making a script more readable and can be helpful in debugging. Comments are always shown in green for greater visibility.
While listed with other commands, they do not actually cause Vehicle Spy to take any action, and are simply skipped when encountered. Comments are also added to a script in a special way: you enter them in the special Comment column, rather than selecting Comment in the Description column.
There are two types of comments: those that document other commands, and standalone comments that appear by themselves on a line. Comments on other commands are typically short and explain what that step does; examples can be seen in steps 1, 3 and 4 in Figure 1. Standalone comments describe or visually separate blocks of commands in large scripts, like step 2 in the figure.
To add a comment to another command, simply enter it into the Comment field of that command. The "//" prefix visually separates the comment and is added automatically by Vehicle Spy.
To create a standalone comment, enter it into the Comment field of a blank step. When you are finished, Vehicle Spy will add the "//" prefix and then move the comment over to the Description field, showing that the step is only a comment with no other command. Note that if you want to edit the comment, double-click in the Commentfield for the step, not the Description field.
If you edit the Description column of a step that has a standalone comment in it in order to choose a different command, then rather than deleting the existing comment, Vehicle Spy will move it to the Comment column for you.