neoECU devices also have a sleep mode. Sleep mode can be enabled in scripts using the step command. Table 1 gives an example script to enable sleep mode. This script works by checking the present status of a message. If the message is not received when it is expected, the device will go to sleep. When normal traffic is received again, the neoECU will wakeup again.
Table 1: Example Function Block for enabling sleep mode
For more information on Function Block scripts see Vehicle Spy 3's help documentation. Sleep mode examples are included in the examples section for each neoECU device.
Set Value
Message Present = 0
Clear the Present flag of a Periodic message normally on the bus
Wait for
2 Second
Wait twice as long as normal periodic duration of the message
Jump If
Message Present To Step 1
Jump to Step 1 if the message is present
If not present, go into sleep mode
Jump to
Step 1
When device wakes up, go to step 1