Messages View Setup
Setup Messages view by clicking the Setup button (Figure 1) in the bottom toolbar. A setup dialog will open.

The setup dialog (Figure 2) is divided into an area labeled General, as well as a tabbed area with three different tabs: Column Setup, Custom Dissectors, and Fonts and Colors.
The Number of Messages in History specifies how many messages Vehicle Spy can collect before rolling over and overwriting the oldest messages. This setting is used by the buffer progress display bar.
For example, assume the buffer is 10,000 messages. When message 10,001 is received then message 1 is discarded. For much more flexible buffer collection see the Function Blocks feature of Vehicle Spy. The Messages view buffer size is only adjustable when Vehicle Spy is offline.
Column Setup Tab
For more information on setting up a custom column set, please click here.

Custom Dissectors Tab
Here you can add or remove custom message dissectors written in the Lua scripting language.
Fonts and Colors Tab
Here you can change the font used for the messages view, as well as the default foreground and background color of the messages view.
Font: Select the desired font. It is recommended to choose a monospaced font such as Consolas, Courier New, Terminal, or System. With other fonts, the message bytes will not be properly aligned in the messages view.
Size: Select the desired font size.
Foreground Color: The default text color in the messages view.
Background Color: The default background color for the messages view.
Highlight Bar Color: The default color for the highlight bar in the messages view.