One way to transmit a message is to click on the manual transmit button in the Transmit Panel as shown in Figure 1.
Vehicle Spy also supports many other ways to transmit messages as shown in Table 1.
Transmits messages at an interval.
Tap keyboard F4 then corresponding number to transmit a message.
A customizable button on a graphical panel which will transmit a message when pressed.
Transmits a message when a message is received.
Replays a captured buffer of messages.
Completely customizable script which can conditionally transmit messages.
Message is transmitted when the assigned keyboard hotkey is pressed.
Customizable buttons along the window edges that will transmit messages when clicked. A Transmit Widget can be created by using the Widget setup or Transmit messages from the Tx Panel can be drag and dropped to a widget.
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Function Block: Type
Function Block: Type