Shared Features: Calculated Analog or Digital Signals

Table 1: Listing of Numeric Calculated Signal Types

Calculated Signal TypeDescription

Random Data Properties: Min, Max

This signal calculates a random value between the Min and Max properties.

Sinusoidal Wave Properties: Min, Max, Frequency, Phase

This signal creates a sine wave between the Min and Max value with the specified frequency. It will also delay the waveform in relation to others using the Phase parameter.

Ramp Properties: Min, Max, Frequency, Phase

This signal creates a ramp wave between the Min and Max value with the specified frequency. It will also delay the waveform in relation to others using the Phase parameter.

Triangle Properties: Min, Max, Frequency, Phase

This signal creates a Triangle wave between the Min and Max value with the specified frequency. It will also delay the waveform in relation to others using the Phase parameter.

Square Properties: Min, Max, Frequency, Phase, Duty Cycle

This signal creates a square wave between the Min and Max value with the specified frequency and duty cycle. It will also delay the waveform in relation to others using the Phase parameter.

Custom List Properties: List of Points

This calculation will replay a list of values into the signal. After it replays the list it will start over at the first list item.

Equation Based Properties: Min, Max, Equation

This calculation will use an Expression Builder equation to update a signal. The Min and Max properties are optional. Leave them blank if you do not want to use them. If not blank, a Min and/or Max limit will be applied to the result.

Static Value Properties: Value

This calculation will use the static value entered in the value entry.

Remote Signal Properties: Remote Server, Application Signal

This calculation will use an application signal value from another instance of Vehicle Spy on a network. The parameters for this type of application signal are the Remote server to connect to and the application signal to read in. The Update List button will repopulate the dropdown lists.