neoECU 10: Examples

To help make working with the neoECU10 as simple as possible, a number of examples have been put together. Click the link to access the examples.

Table 1: neoECU 10 Example List



Blinks the 5 LEDs on the neoECU 10

SW NeoECU10 HVWU.vs3

Configures SW CAN and sends a high voltage wakeup for a neoECU10 HLSL+


Configures LSFT CAN for a neoECU10 HLSL+


Blinks the LEDs depending on the state of the buttons pressed


Sets the LEDs to the states of the Misc IO


Configures the Misc IO as outputs and toggles the line


Reads the Analog inputs and send the data on a CAN Frame

HS TO MS Gateway.vs3

Gateways all traffic on HS CAN out on MS CAN

The examples are commented to explain what was done. To help with new setups, the link below has Function Blocks that can be imported to help quickly setup a neoECU 10.

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