Graphical Panels: Select and Work With Panels
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There are several features to help you work with the various panels that comprise a complete Graphical Panel application. These are controlled via a set of buttons located below the main toolbar; an example can be found in Figure 1.
Table 1 illustrates and explains the function of the various panel control functions seen in Figure 1.
Table 1: Panel Control Buttons
Show/Hide Toolbar
Show/Hide Properties
Reveals or hides the
Select Panel
Makes the selected panel active.
Move Panel Left
Moves the currently-selected panel left in the panel list.
Move Panel Right
Moves the currently-selected panel right in the panel list.
Import Panel
Loads a previously-saved panel into the current graphical panel set.
Export Panel
Exports a panel to an external file.
Add Graphical Panel
Adds a new Graphical Panels window to the Vehicle Spy setup. This will not create a new individual panel, but actually an entire new set of panels, for complex setups.
Lock/Unlock Panels
Most of these buttons can also be accessed by right-clicking on any of the panel tabs to bring up a context menu (Figure 2). This menu also allows you to delete, float or rename a panel.
Toggles between showing and suppressing the bar containing .
on the right side of the graphical panels screen.