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The different features of Vehicle Spy are accessed through the main menus shown in Figure 1.
Each menu item holds a different group of tasks that can be done with the software. Click on the menu names in Table 1 to see further details for each of them.
Table 1: Vehicle Spy Main Menus
Contains tasks for opening and saving files.
This menu item has hardware and database configuration tools.
Common Vehicle Spy tasks are found in this menu.
Tools for looking at and recording signal values are found here.
Holds other tools to help with development.
Helpful tools for GMLAN users. Note: GMLAN must be enabled on the Tools> Options, Spy Networks tab to see this selection.
Tools to automate Vehicle Spy tasks.
Another way to start and stop Vehicle Spy.
Contains setup options, utilities, and hardware specific tools.
Provides access to help documents, website, and version information.