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ClosePort Method - neoVI API

This method closes the communication link with the neoVI hardware.

int _stdcall icsneoClosePort(void * hObject, int * pNumberOfErrors);



[in] Specifies the driver object created by OpenNeoDevice.


[out] Specifies the number of errors in the neoVI DLL error queue. You can read out the errors by calling the GetErrorMessages method.

Return Values

If the port has been closed successfully the return value will be 1. Otherwise, it will return zero. It will also return zero if the port is already closed.


Must be called once for each successful call to OpenNeoDevice or memory and resource leaks will occur.


int lNumberOfErrors;    // used to get the number of errors
int iResult;

// Close Communication
iResult = icsneoClosePort(hObject, &iNumberOfErrors);
// Test the Result
if (iResult== 0)
    MessageBox(hWnd,TEXT("Problem Closing Port"),TEXT("neoVI Example"),0);
    MessageBox(hWnd,TEXT("Port Closed Successfully"),TEXT("neoVI Example"),0);

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