This method enables or disables the Ethernet activation line on supported hardware devices.
int _stdcall icsneoEnableDOIPLine(void* hObject, bool bActivate);
Public Declare Function icsneoEnableDOIPLine Lib “icsneo40.dll” (ByVal hObject As IntPtr, ByVal bActivate As Boolean) As Int32
[DllImport(“icsneo40.dll”)] public static extern Int32 icsneoEnableDOIPLine(IntPtr hObject, bool bActivate);
[in] Specifies the driver object created by OpenNeoDevice
[in] Specifies the state of the Activation line. True enables the activation and False disabled it.
Return Values
1 if the function succeeded. 0 if it failed for any reason. GetLastAPIError must be called to obtain the specific error.
The specified hardware must support a DoIP activation line
int iRetVal;
bool bState;
bState = true;
iRetVal = icsneoEnableDOIPLine(hObject,bState);
if(iRetVal == 0)
printf("\nFailed to set DoIP Act");
printf("\nSuccessfully set DoIP Act");
int iResult;
bool bState;
//Set the bit rate
iResult = icsNeoDll.icsneoEnableDOIPLine(m_hObject,bState);
if (iResult == 0)
MessageBox.Show("Problem setting DoIP Act");
Dim iResult As Integer
Dim bState As Boolean
'//Set the bit rate
iResult = icsneoEnableDOIPLine(m_hObject,bState)
If (iResult = 0) Then MsgBox("Problem setting DoIP Act")