GetGPTPStatus Method - neoVI API

This method sets bit rates for networks on neoVI devices

int _stdcall icsneoGetGPTPStatus(void * hObject,  GPTPStatus * StatusGPTP);


hObject __ [in] Specifies the driver object created by OpenNeoDevice. gptpStatus [out] The address of a GPTPStatus structure.

Return Values

1 if the function succeeded. 0 if it failed for any reason. GetLastAPIError must be called to obtain the specific error. Failure could include the device not supporting gPTP, or the device supports gPTP but not support icsneoGetGPTPStatus API. Remarks

Rad Galaxy, Rad SuperMoon, Rad Star2, and Rad GigaStar supports icsneoGetGPTPStatus API nEAT, Rad Pluto, Rad Jupiter support gPTP but, does not support this API


GPTPStatus gptp_status = {};
int iResult; 
iResult = icsneoGetGPTPStatus(m_hObject, &gptp_status);

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