Status Bitfields - neoVI API
There are two status bitfields in the message structures that define specific attributes of the message. The two status bitfields are named StatusBitfield and StatusBitfield1.
The tables below describe the bitfields.
Table 1 - StatusBitfield Elements
C/C++ Name | VB Name | Description |
SPY_STATUS_GLOBAL_ERR | icsSpyStatusGlobalError | This is set if the message has any other error bits set. |
SPY_STATUS_TX_MSG | icsSpyStatusTx | This is set if the message was transmitted by this device. |
SPY_STATUS_XTD_FRAME | icsSpyStatusXtdFrame | This is set if the CAN message received or transmitted has an extended (29 bit) identifier. |
SPY_STATUS_REMOTE_FRAME | icsSpyStatusRemoteFrame | This is set if the CAN message received or transmitted is a remote frame. |
SPY_STATUS_CRC_ERROR | icsSpyStatusErrCRCError | This is set for J1850 VPW messages which do not have a proper CRC byte. |
SPY_STATUS_CAN_ERROR_PASSIVE | icsSpyStatusCANErrorPassive | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_INCOMPLETE_FRAME | icsSpyStatusErrIncompleteFrame | This is set for a J1850 VPW message which is received that ended on a non-byte boundary. |
SPY_STATUS_LOST_ARBITRATION | icsSpyStatusErrLostArbitration | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_UNDEFINED_ERROR | icsSpyStatusErrUndefined | This is an undefined error in the neoVI hardware |
SPY_STATUS_CAN_BUS_OFF | icsSpyStatusErrCANBusOff | This is set when there is a change in error status of a MCP2510 CAN controller. The bitfield of the error status is stored in data byte 1 of the message structure. A description of this bitfield is included in this |
SPY_STATUS_CAN_ERROR_WARNING | icsSpyStatusErrCANErrorWarning | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_BUS_SHORTED_PLUS | icsSpyStatusBusShortedPlus | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_BUS_SHORTED_GND | icsSpyStatusBusShortedGnd | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_CHECKSUM_ERROR | icsSpyStatusCheckSumError | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_BAD_MESSAGE_BIT_TIME_ERROR | icsSpyStatusErrBadMessageBitTimeError | This is set for J1850 VPW messages which do not meet the specified bit times for the SOF or bit signals. |
SPY_STATUS_IFR_DATA | icsSpyStatusIFRData | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_HARDWARE_COMM_ERROR | icsSpyStatusHardwareCommError | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_EXPECTED_LEN_ERROR | icsSpyStatusExpectedLengthError | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_INCOMING_NO_MATCH | icsSpyStatusIncomingNoMatch | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_BREAK | icsSpyStatusBreak | This is set if the J1850 VPW break symbol has been received or is to be transmitted. |
SPY_STATUS_AVSI_REC_OVERFLOW | icsSpyStatusAVT_VSIRecOverflow | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_TEST_TRIGGER | icsSpyStatusTestTrigger | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_AUDIO_COMMENT | icsSpyStatusAudioCommentType | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_GPS_DATA | icsSpyStatusGPSDataValue | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_ANALOG_DIGITAL_INPUT | icsSpyStatusAnalogDigitalInputValue | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_TEXT_COMMENT | icsSpyStatusTextCommentType | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_NETWORK_MESSAGE_TYPE | icsSpyStatusNetworkMessageType | This is set for all messages received from a vehicle network. |
SPY_STATUS_VSI_TX_UNDERRUN | icsSpyStatusVSI_TxUnderRun | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_VSI_IFR_CRC_Bit | icsSpyStatusVSI_IFR_CRCBit | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS_INIT_MESSAGE | icsSpyStatusInitMessage | This is set if the transmitted message should generate the ISO/Keyword2000 initialization waveform. |
SPY_STATUS_HIGH_SPEED_MESSAGE | icsSpyStatusHighSpeed | This is set if the transmitted message is transmitted in high speed mode. |
Table 2 - StatusBitfield2 Elements
C/C++ Name | VB Name | Description |
SPY_STATUS2_HAS_VALUE | icsSpyStatusHasValue | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS2_VALUE_IS_BOOLEAN | icsSpyStatusValueIsBoolean | Not used in the neoVI API. |
SPY_STATUS2_HIGH_VOLTAGE | icsSpyStatusHighVoltage | This is set if the transmitted message is transmitted in high voltage wakeup mode. |
SPY_STATUS2_LONG_MESSAGE | icsSpyStatusLongMessage | Not used in the neoVI API. |
VB Module: bas_neoVI.bas
C/C++ Header: neovi.h
C/C++ Library File: icsneoVI.lib
DLL File: icsneoVI.dll
VB.Net Module: bas_neoVI.vb
C# Class: icsNeoClass.cs\
Last updated