This method clears a script from a specific location on a neoVI device.
int _stdcall icsneoScriptClear(void * hObject, int iLocation);
Public Declare Function icsneoScriptClear Lib “icsneo40.dll” (ByVal hObject As IntPtr, ByVal iLocation As Int32) As Int32
[DllImport(“icsneo40.dll”)] public static extern Int32 icsneoScriptClear(IntPtr hObject, Int32 iLocation);
[in] Specifies the driver object created by OpenNeoDevice.
[in] Specifies the physical location of the script to be cleared on the neoVI device. Valid values are:
SCRIPT_LOCATION_FLASH_MEM = 0 (Valid only on a neoVI Fire or neoVI Red)SCRIPT_LOCATION_SDCARD = 1 (Valid only on a neoVI Fire or neoVI Red)SCRIPT_LOCATION_VCAN3_MEM = 4 (Valid only on a ValueCAN 3 device)
These values are defined in the icsnVC40.h file
Return Values
1 if the function succeeded. 0 if it failed for any reason. GetLastAPIError must be called to obtain the specific error. The errors that can be generated by this function are:
If a script exists in the specified location it will be erased from that location. If the script is running it will be stopped. Any function blocks that are running will be stopped.
int iRetVal;
unsigned long lLastErrNum;
//Clear the script from it's storage location.
//On a ValueCAN 3, SCRIPT_LOCATION_VCAN3_MEM will clear when the device
//loses power or resets.
iRetVal = icsneoScriptClear(hObject, DefaultScriptLocation);
if(iRetVal == 0)
printf("\nFailed to clear the script);
printf("\nSuccessfully cleared the script");
Dim iResult As Int32
'//clear CoreMini
iResult = icsneoScriptClear(m_hObject, SCRIPT_LOCATION_FLASH_MEM)
If iResult = 0 Then
lblCMStatus.Text = "CoreMini Failed to Clear"
lblCMStatus.Text = "CoreMini Cleared"
End If