Public Declare Function icsneoReadWritePHYSettings Lib “icsneo40.dll” (ByVal hObject As IntPtr, ByRef PHYSettings As PhyRegPkt_T, ByVal iSize As IntPtr, ByVal NumEntries As IntPtr) As Int32
[in] Specifies the driver object created by OpenNeoDevice.
[out] This is the address of the first element of an array of PhyRegPkt_T structures. This array will be loaded by the application software with entries to be read or written from/to the hardware.
[in] Specifies the size of the structure PhyRegPkt_T used by the application. This is to make sure the structure used in the application and the DLL is same to avoid any buffer overrun.
[in] Specifies the number of PHY Entries to be read or written.
Return Values
Returns 1 if successful, 0 if an error occurred. GetLastAPIError must be called to obtain the specific error.
This function call sends the PHY Entries to be read or written from/to the hardware.
PhySettings.clause22.phyAddrOrPort = 0x6;
PhySettings.clause.regAddr = 0x2;
PhySettings.clause.pageOrDevice = 1;
PhySettings.WriteEnable = 0;
PhySettings.Enabled = 1; //if not enabled, this entry of read/write operation will be ignored even if it is passed in.
PhySettings.Clause45Enable = 0; //Set this to 1 if the application is sending Clause45 type of Entries.
icsneoReadWritePHYSettings(handle, &PhySettings, sizeof(PhyRegPkt_t), 1);
Int32 iResult;
PhyRegPkt_t PhyRegPkt;
int iTempFlags = 0;
//Copy data to the structure
PhyRegPkt.ClausePkt.phyAddrOrPort = 6;
PhyRegPkt.ClausePkt.pageOrDevice = 1;
PhyRegPkt.ClausePkt.regAddr = 2;
PhyRegPkt.ClausePkt.regVal = 0;
//Set for Reading using Clause45 and Enabled
iTempFlags = iTempFlags | (int)PhyRegFlags.Enabled;
iTempFlags = iTempFlags | (int)PhyRegFlags.Clause45Enable;
PhyRegPkt.Flags = (ushort)iTempFlags;
//Get and cast the size of the structrue.
iResult = icsNeoDll.icsneoReadWritePHYSettings(m_hObject, ref PhyRegPkt, (IntPtr)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(PhyRegPkt), (IntPtr)1);
Dim iResult As Int32
Dim PhyRegPkt As PhyRegPkt_t
Dim iTempFlags As Int32 = 0
Dim iParamCount As IntPtr = CType(1, IntPtr)
'//Copy data to the structure
PhyRegPkt.ClausePkt.phyAddrOrPort = 6
PhyRegPkt.ClausePkt.pageOrDevice = 1
PhyRegPkt.ClausePkt.regAddr = 3
PhyRegPkt.ClausePkt.regVal = 0
'//Set for Reading using Clause45 and Enabled
iTempFlags = iTempFlags Or PhyRegFlags.Enabled
iTempFlags = iTempFlags Or PhyRegFlags.Clause45Enable
PhyRegPkt.Flags = CUShort(iTempFlags)
'//Get and cast the size of the structrue.
Dim PhyRegSize As IntPtr = CType(System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(PhyRegPkt), IntPtr)
iResult = icsneoReadWritePHYSettings(m_hObject, PhyRegPkt, PhyRegSize, iParamCount)