This structure defines settings for UART access on neoVI Fire devices.
typedef struct _UART_SETTINGS{
unsigned short Baudrate;
unsigned short spbrg;
unsigned short brgh;
unsigned short parity;
unsigned short stop_bits;
unsigned char flow_control; // 0- off, 1 - Simple CTS RTS,
unsigned char reserved_1;
unsigned int bOptions; //AND to combind these values invert_tx = 1 invert_rx = 2 half_duplex = 4
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack:=2)> Public Structure UART_SETTINGS
Dim Baudrate As UInt16
Dim spbrg As UInt16
Dim brgh As UInt16
Dim parity As UInt16
Dim stop_bits As UInt16
Dim flow_control As Byte '// 0- off, 1 - Simple CTS RTS,
Dim reserved_1 As Byte
Dim bOptions As UInt32 '//AND to combind these values invert_tx = 1 invert_rx = 2 half_duplex = 4
End Structure